STEP 1 : CREATE Login Script (
Step 2: Create login Module (
- module has conditional statements that must be met for it to execute
- customization is done on this phase as depicted below
Finally: create wrapper script for execution:
- here us where your script is executed
- simply install the modules you already created and
- by Default, module with execute immediately
Enjoy your result :
Full script:
# ***************************************** # #******************************************
import time modulename = raw_input("Enter [[Appname]] you wish to execute ").lower() time.sleep(2) #print("You have enter: => {} App! Are you sure you want to proceed? : ".format(modulename)) entered=("You have enter: => {} App! Are you sure you want to proceed? : ".format(modulename)) found=("Importing Your module: =>: {} : Loading the application {}!".format(modulename, modulename)) if modulename: print(entered) answer = None while answer not in ("yes", "no"): answer = raw_input("Enter [yes] or [no]to proceed: ").lower() if answer == "yes": #print("Importing Your module: =>: {} App!".format(modulename)) try: if modulename == 'bdgc': print(found) import Bdgc_prod_login elif modulename == "nac3": import Nac3_prod_login elif modulename == "case": import Casemgmnt_prod_login elif modulename == "cove": import Covepoint_prod_login except Exception as ss: print('Sorry Nosuch module: msg {} '.format(ss))
################################################### # script : prod_da_modules ################################################# import time import base64 from selenium import webdriver from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities from selenium.common.exceptions import UnexpectedAlertPresentException from selenium.common.exceptions import NoAlertPresentException from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains import unittest, time, re from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys # actions.key_down(Keys.CONTROL) .click(STatus).perform()
location2 = "http://testmachine:5000/da" driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=r'C:\Users\mee\Documents\webdrivers\geckodriver.exe') driver.maximize_window() try: driver.get(location2) element = WebDriverWait(driver, 15).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, "Login_0")) ) time.sleep(5) except UnexpectedAlertPresentException: print "XSS - DOCUMNEUM LOGING INTO THE PROD DA INPROGRESS ***********" print("**********************************************") time.sleep(5) print("Accessing and extracting user loging info ***************************") dauser = r"C:\Python27\da-testing-login-python\da_user.txt" with open(dauser , 'r') as psfile: user = [ base64.b64decode(line) for line in psfile] driver.find_element_by_id("LoginUsername").send_keys(user) time.sleep(2) print("Generating encrypted passord **************************************************") Lpass = r"C:\Python27\da-testing-login-python\my_pass.txt" with open(Lpass, 'r') as psfile: password = [base64.b64decode(line) for line in psfile] print("Logging into the da *****************************") driver.find_element_by_id("LoginPassword").send_keys(password) time.sleep(2) print("Validating Login in button and sending that info ") time.sleep(2) Xpath = "/html/body/form/div/div[3]/div/div[2]/button" Button = driver.find_element_by_xpath(Xpath).click() print("Login Succcessful") print("DaIndexing LoGin()") time.sleep(10)
#########create the module ######################### ##################################################
#**************************************************** # # program to execute module #################################################### import sys sys.path.append("C:\Python27\da-testing-login-python\scripts")
try: print("Loging into prod_da documentum") import prod_da_modules print("End ... thanks for using this program") except Exception as rr: print('Sorry Nosuch module: msg {} '.format(rr))